Pediatric Craniofacial Specialty Care

采用多专业方法, 我们的团队提供量身定制的治疗方案和最新的外科手术来帮助患有颅面畸形的儿童. We address your 孩子’s needs while offering you and your family support and guidance.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for pediatric craniofacial care?

我们的团队为患有颅面疾病(颅骨和面部异常)的儿童提供最先进和全面的护理。. Highlights of our pediatric craniofacial clinic include:

公认的专业技能: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿童颅面专科护理中心是美国同类项目中最大的项目之一. 自1972年成立以来,我们的项目已经获得了国内和国际的认可. As a regional center for the southwestern United States, patients from all over the area come to us for outstanding care and treatments.

团队的方法: Our highly specialized team includes plastic surgeons, 头颈外科医生, 儿科医生, 医学遗传学家, 牙医, 牙齿矫正医师, audiologists and speech pathologists. 我们与其他专家密切合作,以确保您的孩子得到他们应得的特殊照顾.

遗传咨询和支持: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康儿科遗传专家使用先进的技术来确定导致颅面疾病的确切基因变化. This precise diagnosis allows us to make treatments more effective. 我们专注于帮助家庭了解遗传疾病,这样我们就可以作为一个团队合作,确保每个孩子都能充分发挥潜力.

开创性的程序: 我们的项目是皇冠hga025第一个实施新生儿下颌牵引(下颌延长)的项目. 我们专门做这个手术, 治疗和预防出生时患有小颌畸形(一个非常小的下颌)的婴儿出现的呼吸问题。. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 specialists also pioneered bone tissue engineering for bone grafts. 这使得我们可以使用工程骨(由干细胞和其他材料制成的组织)进行骨移植,而不是从病人的臀部或肋骨上取骨. We use bone tissue engineering for several procedures, including mandibular distraction and cleft palate repair.

协调护理: To streamline care and make visits with multiple specialists more convenient, our team works with you to schedule several appointments in one day. Your 孩子 may meet with as many as 15 doctors and specialists, 包括正畸专家, 眼科学, 听力学和语言病理学.


作为儿科颅面护理的领导者,我们的团队在您的旅程的每一步都在您身边. Your 孩子 receives world-class care, and your entire family receives well-rounded support. 我们提供:


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康遗传咨询师专门帮助您和您的家人了解导致颅面异常的遗传疾病. 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康遗传学诊所密切合作,提供精确的诊断,确定导致这种疾病的确切基因变化. 

我们富有同情心和知识渊博的团队也为有个人或家族遗传疾病史的人提供孕前遗传咨询. 我们与父母一起评估遗传模式,并评估遗传颅面疾病的遗传几率. 


注重团队合作, 我们的专家聚在一起解决颅面疾病儿童的各种需求. We customize every treatment plan for your 孩子 based on their age, lifestyle and other medical conditions. 我们与您和您的家人合作,随着孩子的成长和需求的变化,调整他们的计划.


Through the pediatric craniofacial clinic, your 孩子 receives specialized care from many experts, 包括语言治疗师, 牙齿矫正医师, 耳鼻喉科专家, ophthalmologists and developmental 儿科医生. We are skilled at helping babies and kids at every stage of 孩子hood.

If necessary, our team also helps your 孩子 transition to adult care. 例如, some 孩子ren with cleft lip and cleft palate need a series of surgeries as an infant, 蹒跚学步的, 孩子, 青少年及青年. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 specialists work closely with you to perform these procedures at the right ages, evaluate your 孩子’s progress and deliver appropriate follow-up care.


我们技术精湛的外科医生拥有丰富的最新外科手术经验,可以治疗影响头部和颈部的各种疾病. 我们专注于微创技术,需要更小的切口和更短的恢复时间.

If your 孩子 needs traditional (open) surgery, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pediatric surgeons are among the top experts in the world. Our surgical team works together to deliver outstanding care.


While delivering the highest-quality medical treatments and therapies, our team offers you and your family information, 指导和支持. 我们理解照顾一个有特殊医疗需求的孩子所面临的挑战.

我们的团队确保您和您的孩子了解您的护理计划,并得到所需的支持. 你将有机会获得全面的患者教育和资源,以及与你分享经验的家庭的支持小组.


At the UCLA Mattel Pediatric Craniofacial Specialty Care Center, we treat even the most complex craniofacial conditions. 我们的世界知名专家专门从事先天性疾病(出生时存在的面部差异)的先进治疗。. 我们也修复因创伤和意外事故导致畸形的婴儿和儿童的颅面特征.

Some of the most common conditions we treat include:

唇腭裂: 这些疾病包括新生儿在出生前发育的上唇或上颚的开口.

颅缝早闭: 这种先天性畸形(出生缺陷)发生在婴儿颅骨中的骨头过早地结合在一起时, causing the 头骨 to have an abnormal shape. Craniosynostosis can result from several genetic disorders, including Crouzon syndrome and Saethre-Chotzen syndrome.

例矮小: 眼睛, 脸颊, 头骨, nose and other tissues on one side of the face are underdeveloped, 造成不对称外观的.

小耳症: 这种先天性畸形发生在婴儿耳外部分发育不正常的时候. It is either too small (microtia) or completely missing (anotia).

Pfeiffer syndrome and Apert syndrome: These genetic disorders result in abnormalities of the 头骨, face, hands and feet.

皮埃尔·罗宾序列: 这种遗传性疾病会导致由于下颌发育不全(小颌症)而导致的呼吸问题。. 婴儿的舌头也会移位,它可能会掉回喉咙,阻塞气道. Children with Pierre Robin sequence often have a cleft palate as well.

Treacher Collins综合征: Bones and tissues in the face do not develop properly while a baby grows in the womb. Babies with Treacher Collins syndrome often have underdeveloped 脸颊bones, a small jaw and a chin and eyes that slant downward.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院, 我们提供富有同情心的护理, comprehensive therapies and effective treatments for craniofacial abnormalities. 我们的特色产品包括:


Many of the conditions we treat affect speech, hearing and vision. 一些患有颅面疾病的儿童也有学习迟缓或难以达到发育里程碑. We work as a team to address each of these issues, prevent complications and help your 孩子 reach their full potential.

Your 孩子’s treatment plan may include speech therapy, hearing aids and social and emotional support. Children with cleft lip and cleft palate receive expert treatments, 这可能涉及到可以减少手术次数的正畸装置. We tailor every treatment and therapy plan to fit your 孩子’s needs.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的儿科外科医生在帮助患有颅面畸形的婴儿和儿童方面有专门的经验. If your 孩子 needs surgery, you can feel comfortable knowing they’re in expert hands. We use the most advanced techniques and focus on minimizing scarring as much as possible. Our team has expertise in common and complex surgical procedures, such as:

唇腭裂修复: 有许多不同的手术可以矫正唇裂和腭裂,以防止或减少语言问题, 听力和饮食. Some 孩子ren need several procedures throughout 孩子hood. These surgeries close openings in the mouth, repair the palate and reshape the nose and lips.

颅缝早闭手术: 我们擅长传统(开放)技术和微创手术来治疗这种情况.

新生儿下颌牵引: This surgery lengthens a small or recessed jaw to correct and prevent breathing problems.

塑料 and reconstructive surgeries: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的儿科外科医生是整形和重建手术领域的专家. 是儿科医生, 我们理解在提供提高孩子外表的程序和鼓励孩子为自己感到自豪之间取得适当平衡的重要性.


Our highly specialized team includes plastic surgeons, 头颈外科医生, 儿科医生, 医学遗传学家, 牙医, 牙齿矫正医师, audiologists and speech pathologists. 我们与眼科医生合作, 神经外科医生, 颌面修复专家和耳鼻喉科医生提供彻底的护理和专家治疗. 经验丰富的社会工作者和心理学家会处理你的孩子和家庭的心理和情感健康问题.



Craniofacial specialists deliver world-class care in a supportive environment. 呼叫。 310-825-0867 与专家联系.


Craniofacial specialists deliver world-class care in a supportive environment. 呼叫。 310-825-0867 与专家联系.